English below.
23. Januar er vi endelig tilbake! Vi kickstarter semesteret med 2 gratis uker! Du kan prøve hvilken som helst av våre danser; West Coast Swing, Boogie Woogie, Standard & Latin, Kizomba og Cubansk Salsa! Timeplanen holder på å ferdigstilles. Sjekk ut timeplanen for alle grenene våre under tider – schedule for oppatering! Medlemskap for de resterende 10 kursene dette semesteret, kan du skaffe deg under medlemskap.
Håper vi sees der!
January 23 we kickstart the semester with free trial-weeks! During these weeks you can try any of our dance genres; West Coast Swing, Boogie Woogie Swing, Ballroom, Kizomba and Cuban Salsa for free! The schedule is yet to be finalized. Check out the schedule at “tider – schedule” for updates! If you want to continue the course after the free weeks, you can buy membership for the remaining 10 weeks. You will find a guide on how to become a member under “medlemskap”,
January 23 we kickstart the semester with free trial-weeks! During these weeks you can try any of our dance genres; West Coast Swing, Boogie Woogie Swing, Ballroom, Kizomba and Cuban Salsa for free! The schedule is yet to be finalized. Check out the schedule at “tider – schedule” for updates! If you want to continue the course after the free weeks, you can buy membership for the remaining 10 weeks. You will find a guide on how to become a member under “medlemskap”,
Hope to see you there!